Artichoke and Truffle Crostini
These little crostini are the easiest yet and have come about with many thanks to Marilyn who told me how tasty Belazu Truffle and Artichoke Pesto was and gave me a jar. She was right - it is very delicious. If you have a jar in the cupboard you can throw a quick canapé together in 5 minutes max. Alternatively you could be even more organised and have some in the freezer - yes they freeze as well. Perfect.

1 small baguette
Belazu Truffle and Artichoke Pesto (stocked by Waitrose)
Softened butter.
Pine nuts, a couple of grams per crostini, chopped roughly
Parsley, finely chopped
Cut the baguette into slices.
Spread each side of the baguette slices with butter.
Top each slice with a small spoonful of Truffle and Artichoke Pesto and spread over, making sure all of the bread is covered. Sprinkle the chopped pine nuts over if using.
Heat oven to 190°c. Lightly grease a baking sheet and heat it in the oven for a few minutes. Quickly put the crostini on the hot sheet and cook for about 8 minutes until the base is golden and crispy.
Sprinkle with the chopped parsley if using and serve.
Alternatively freeze uncooked. When ready to serve, heat oven to 200°c. Heat a lightly greased baking sheet for a few minutes and quickly transfer the frozen crostini on to it. Cook for 10 minutes and then sprinkle with parsley.